Engineer in Fluid Mechanics, I did my PhD on numerical modeling of estuarine and coastal systems. Passionate by Geosciences in general, I am now studying geomorphology of tidal marshes, focusing on the interactions between water, sediments and vegetation.


Photo: field work site in Sieperdaschor, a tidal marsh along the Western Scheldt in the southwest Netherlands.


University of Antwerp, Belgium
Ecosystem Management Research Group

Campus Drie Eiken – C1.10
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Wilrijk (Antwerpen), Belgium

Previous positions

2019-2021: Boston University, MA, United States (visiting scholar)
2013-2016: Flanders Hydraulics Research & Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
2005-2013: Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium